2021年4月4日にリリースする「BOFXVI COMPILATION ALBUM」を記念して
スタッフが体当たりで挑む連続動画企画 GdbG.TV の最新情報をお届けします。
Here is the latest news from GdbGTV, a continuous video project in which our staff will take on challenges to commemorate the release of the BOFXVI COMPILATION ALBUM on April 4, 2021.
What’s GroundbreakinG ?
GroundbreakinG is a project to create web albums of music from "BMS events".
Since its inception in 2009, a total of 11 albums and 429 tracks have been released.
The purpose of this project is to let people enjoy the music experience of BMS,
which has exceptional potential as a music game.
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公開日 2021.4.4New!
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公開日 2021.4.3
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公開日 2021.3.28
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公開日 2021.3.21
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公開日 2021.3.14
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公開日 2021.3.7
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公開日 2021.3.6
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